2009年3月27日 星期五

Hair Styling Service
Hairstyle is the key of your total look. Our senior hairstylists with extensive experience in serving artists and top models will create the hairstyle that can express your personal style and enhance your charm. With our professional hair analysis, treatment, perm, color, highlight, straightening, hair extension, etc, you will have a tailor-made new look.
髮 型 服 務 Services

- 髮 型 服 務 Services
剪髮及造型 Cut & Finish
Shampoo & Blow-dry Finish
Cut & Blow-dry Finish
Child Cut (under 12 years old)
髮型造型設計 Styling
Party Hairstyling
顏色染髮 Color
Full Head
Highlight with Base Color
Color Remove / Bleach
電髮 Perming
Partial Perm
Touch Perm
Waving Perm
Technical Perm
Creative Set Perm
直髮 Straightening
Technical Straightening
頭髮護理 Treatment
Intensive Treatment
請致電 (852) 2368 6510 或親臨查詢
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尖 沙 咀 山 林 道 46 - 48 號 運 通 商 業 大 廈 1樓 26 鋪
尖 沙 咀 山 林 道 46 - 48 號 運 通 商 業 大 廈 1樓 26 鋪
電話 Telephone: (852) 2368-6510 (852) 9439-8963
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